Sunday, February 8, 2009

Connecting Csharp application and SQL Server 2005

This blog is for beginners who is seeing Visual Studio 2008 for the first time. This is a very basic tutorial.
           Here is a step by step explanation on how to connect SQL server database with C#. I think there is no nee
d for much explanation since the images are self explanatory.

Our aim is to create a very simple C# application which save an employee name and an employee email ID into  SQL server database.

Create DB to store Values 

Step 1 : Open Sql Server Management Studio Express and Create a Database called Employee

If you don't have Sql Server Management Studio Express ,  click here to download it

Step 2 : Create a table "tbl_Employee" and create two columns to store Name and Email ID

Create a C# application

Step 1 : Open  Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 and create a new Project

Step2 : In the Default.aspx Page Create an interface to enter values 

 It should include the following : 
                 1 Text box to enter Name (txtName)
 2. Text box to enter Email ID (txtEmail)
 3. A button to save the data.(btnSave)

Step 3 : Specify the connection string value in web.config. Open your web.config file . Search for the following tag $ltconnectionstrings> . 
Edit the connectionStrings settings as follows

<add name="connString" connectionString="server=COMP\SQLEXPRESS;database=Employee;Integrated Security=SSPI; "/>

If you are not sure about your server name , Open Microsoft Sql Server Management Studio Express and check the  server name. See the image below.

Step 4 : Write the code to save the Value to DB in Click event of the Save button.

protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) 
 string connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["connString"].ConnectionString; 
SqlConnection cnn = new SqlConnection();
 cnn.ConnectionString = connectionString; 
SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(); 
sqlCommand.Connection = cnn;
try {
 sqlCommand.CommandText = "INSERT INTO tbl_Employee ([Name],[EmailID]) VALUES " + "('" + txtName.Text + "','" + txtEmail.Text + "')";
 lblStatusMessage.Text = "Data inserted successfully";
 catch (Exception ex) 
 Response.Write("An error occurred while inserting values to DB
" + ex.ToString());
finally {
 if (cnn.State == ConnectionState.Open) cnn.Close();

Now you are ready to go.. Run the application.

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